How to order

  • Step 1
    Design & Order
    Design your order, add it to your cart and fill out all the the info on this page.
    We'll send you an invoice with all the details ✨

  • Step 2
    Get impressions
    Download the ear impression guide and book an appointment at your nearest audiologist and get your impressions taken.

    Note: Impression fees are paid separately directly to your audiologist.

  • Step 3
    Verify impressions
    Take photos highlighted in the impression verification guide and send them over to

    Please allow up to 2 working days for a response.

  • Step 4
    Ship impressions
    Once your impressions are verified, you will receive a packing slip as well as shipping details. It is critical that the slip is shipped with the impressions to make sure your impressions are processed correctly.

    It is highly recommended that you use a shipping service that provides a tracking number (recommended services will be provided in the packing slip email). Victorious Audio does not take responsibility for lost or stolen shipments before a receipt has been confirmed by an official Victorious Audio representative.